Saturday, February 4, 2012

Horacio, the resident Great Horned Owl

I promised a chapter on Horacio, the wise old owl who lives above us.  Legend has it that he and his mate( let's call her Olivia) have lived here for 14 years, as told by someone who has been coming to Vistoso for 14 years.  Someone else  heard that their tree was cut down and they have relocated to building 21 for daytime residence, tucked up under the roof overhang. There does not seem to be any kind of nest and I've only seen one owl in the daytime.   Horacio is a good sized owl, larger than a football with gray, black, and white variegated feathers that ruffle in the wind.  So far, I have not seen him fly.  But sometimes his post is empty, so I know he makes his rounds.  He only sits there and contemplates the surroundings.  Perhaps he is keeping track of who returns and who is new.  He did look me over quite thoroughly.    He exudes a stoic attitude allowing we humans to come and go beneath his look out post.
Horacio's Morning Owl Symphony requires a great deal of description.  The Whooo, whooo we associated with owls is part of Horactio's repertoire.  And he must have had a magnificent baritone voice in his younger days. In truth, his first overture does sound rich and resonant.  But then, something goes wrong with his vocal cords.  A whoo disintegrates into a sort of high pitched gargle.  At first I thought it might be the screeching of baby owls, but there is no nest.  Then, there is a portion that sounds like it started out to be a whoo or maybe even a Hoot, hoot, but becomes sort of sustained hiccough.  Then, blessedly, there is silence while he and the rest of us recover from the surprising sounds.  From the distance, you can hear an answering faint whooo, whooo which might be Olivia telling him to try again, because he does.  All of this happens around 5:30am.  Jim sleeps through it all, but I'm still on day shift nurse hours ( darn) and I get to enjoy the entire performance.
It is only our 4th day.  I will continue to monitor the situation and report back.  Yesterday I heard some warm up hooting in the afternoon.  It maybe that he gives matinee performances   
We attended the social hour last night ( Friday at 5pm qt the Gazebo in the center of the condos).  Everyone is to bring an appetizer and their own beverage. ( I made the salami won tons) There were about 10 couples there of various retirement ages.  Of course, we met a couple from Racine, WI.  Most had been staying at Vistoso for many years.  One had sold their condo ( it is much better to rent than own, they said).  The same real estate situation is in place here.  Prices are going for around $160,000 which is a give away as when they bought they were $140,000 10 years ago.   Everyone wishes for the bubble prices of $220,000 which was the value in 2007.  There are 6 condos for rent amongst our 6 buildings.  And now is prime time. 
Off to supper. I made chili as it is chilly here when the sun goes down,

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